Monday, 19 November 2012

Great New Start

If you were directed from my Wordpress blog  '”Gateway Of Life” , you might as well remember how my blog works .

Since I didn’t be ‘’talented’’ enough to work on CSS and HTML stuff , I think I’ll switch back for more basic blogging , which is Blogger .
Take a peek in my other blog as well and comment there ! I still moderate this blog and my Wordpress too .
So , my new concept for this blog is each day , there will be several , or just one post , but with different topic . Not keeping up ? Let see the details below.
MONDAY – Motivational Monday (Mostly I’ll talk about motivation, life and some inspiring stories around the world)
TUESDAY – Travel on Tuesday (I’ll be more focusing on what I do familiar with – Malaysia . Then , I’ll write about other countries that really a splendid holiday place)
WEDNESDAY –Wordless Wednesday (On this day , I  will post only pictures and images – around 5 pictures or less in an entry . )
THURSDAY – Thursday’s Tech ( I will be posting about softwares , widgets , apps or blogging tips – still related , don’t they?)
FRIDAY – TGIF (This day is a day where I could spend time and embed some simple games/music/something light for your enjoyment. )
SATURDAY- Swinging In Art Directory (Artsies are most welcomed , and this day, I’ll be posting an art genre ; dance, music, crafts, creative ideas, and so on)
SUNDAY – Sundae Sunday (I’ll re-blog posts from blogs / share some articles that written by my buddies for your reading moment)
Therefore, if you got some articles that you want to publish but didn’t know where to submit , you can just follow me on Twitter / Google Plus and send me a link of your article and I’ll publish it on Sundae Sunday !
Also , you can send it in my email :

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